Trachyrhynchus murrayi


  • Collett, R. 1905a. Meddelelser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1884-1901(3 die Hoved-Supplement til 'Norges Fiske', III Slutning). Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Krist., (7) :1-173.
  • Farran, G. P. 1924. Seventh report on the fishes of the irish Atlantic slope. The Macrurid fishes (Coryphaenoididae). Proc. R. ir. Acad., 36 (8): 91-143,11 fig., pl. VI-VII.
  • Gilbert, C. H.; Hubbs, C. L. 1916. Report on the japanese Macrouroid fishes collected by the United States Fisheries Steamer 'Albatross' in 1906, with a synopsis of the genera. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 51(2149) :135-214, pl. 8.
  • Goode, G. B.; Bean, T. H. 1896. Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by steamers Blake, Albatross and Fish Hawk in the northwestern Atlantic. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 30 and Spec. Bull U.S. natn. Mus., 1895 [.
  • Günther, A. 1887. Report on the Deep-sea Fishes collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Challenger Reports, Zool., 22: Ixv+268 pp., 7 fig., 66 pl.
  • Jensen, A. S. 1948. Contribution to the ichthyofauna of Greenland 8-24. Spolia. zool Mus. haun., 9: 1-182, 26 fig., 4 pl.
  • Johnsen, S. 1927. On some bathypelagic stages of the Macrurid fishes. Nytt. Mag. Naturv., Oslo, 65: 221-241, 1 pl.
  • Krefft, G. 1955. Ichthyologische Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Seefischerei der Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei. IV. 6. Weitere bemerkenswerte Fische aus den Gewässern des Island-Färöer-Rückens. Zool. Anz., 154 (7/8): pp. 157-164, fig. 1-2.
  • Leim, A. H.; Scott, W. B. 1966. Fishes of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Bull Fish. Res. Bd Can., (155): 485 p., many fig., unnumbered, 4 col. pl.