Odontomacrurus murrayi


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  • Koefoed, E. 1953. Synentognathi, Solenichthyes, Anacanthini, Berycomorphi, Xenoberyces, Rep. scient. Results Michael Sars N. Atlant. deep Sea Exped., 1910, 4, II (3): 1-38, 6 fig., 4pl.
  • Marshall, N. B. 1964. Bathypelagic macrourid fishes. Copeia, (1): 86-93.
  • Maul, G. E.; Koefoed, E. 1950. On a new genus and species of Macrourid Fish, Phalacromacrurus pantherinus. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (12) 3 (35): 970-976,1 fig.
  • Norman, J. R. 1939. Fishes. Sci. Rep. John Murray Exped., Lond , 7 (1): 116 pp., 41 fig.