Remora brachyptera


  • Beaufort, L. F. de 1962. The Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Scleroparei . . . Pediculati . . . Plectognathi . . . Xenopterygii. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 11: xi+481 p., 100 fig.
  • Bini, G. 1967-1972. Atlante dei pesci delle Coste italiane. Mondo Sommerso, Milano, 9 vol: I, 1967, Leptocardi, Ciclostomi, Selaci, 206 pp., 66 fig. + 64 col. fig. II, 1971, Osteitti (Acipenseriformi, Clupeiformi, Mictofiformi, Anguilliformi), 300 pp., 73 col. fig. III, 1970, Notacantiformi . . . Zeiformi, 229 pp., 34 fig. + 63 col. fig. IV, 1968, Perciformi (Mugiloidei, Percoidei), 163 pp., 34 fig. + 49 col. fig. V, 1968, Perciformi (Percoidei), 175 pp., 22 fig. + 56 col. fig. VI, 1968, Perciformi (Trichiuroidei . . . Blennioidei), 177 pp., 48 fig + 57 col. fig. VII,1969, Perciformi (Ofidioidei . . . Dactilopteroidei), 196 pp., 57 fig. + 59 col. fig. VIII,1968, Pleuronettiformi, Echeniformi, Gobioesociformi, Tetraodontiformi, Lofiformi, 164 pp., 34 + 63 fig. IX, 1972, Introduzione. Parte generale. Aggiornamenti. Indici. 176 p.
  • Blache, J. 1964e. Sur un stade juvénile de Remora brachyptera (Lowe, 1839) provenant de I 'Atlantique Oriental Sud. Cah. ORSTOM., Océanogr., 2 (2): 45-47, 2 fig. n. num.
  • Bleeker, P. 1853a. Diagnostische beschrijvingen van nieuwe of weinig bekende vischsoorten van Sumatra. Natuurk. Tidjschr. Ned.-lndië-, 4: 243-302.
  • Costa, O. G. 1829-1857. Fauna del regno di Napoli, ossia enumerazione di tutti gli animali, Pesci, 3 pts, 70 fasc. Part. 1, 1829-1853, 511 pp., 60 pl.; Part 2, 1842-1853, 148 pp., 69 pl.; Part 3, 1837-1857, 101 pp., 17 pl. (For publications dates see Sherborn, 1937, J. Soc. Biblphy nat. Hist., 1(2): 35.).
  • Eydoux, F.; Gervais, P. 1839. Voyage autour du monde . . . La Favorite . . . 1830, 1831 et 1832 . . ., Zool., 5 (2): 200 p., pl. 6-60.
  • Fowler, H. W. 1936. The Marine Fishes of West Africa, based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition 1909-1915. Bull. am. Mus. nat. Hist., 70 (1), Jan. 21,.
  • Gill, T. N. 1864a. Catalogue of the fishes of Lower California in the Smithsonian Institution, collected by Mr. J. Xantus. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 1863 [1864], 15: pp. 80-88.
  • Jordan, D. S.; Evermann, B. W. 1896-1900. The Fishes of North and Middle America, a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the isthmus of Panama. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., (47), Part I, 1896: Ix + 1-1240; Part II, 1898: xxx + 1241-2183 ; Part III, 1898: xxiv + 2184-3136; Part IV, 1900: ci + 3137-3313, 391 pl. (958 fig.).
  • Lowe, R. T. 1839. A supplement to a synopsis of the Fishes of Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 7: pp. 76-92 (also publ. in Trans. zool. Soc. Lond., 1842, 3 (1): pp. 1-20).
  • Maul, G. E. 1956a. Monografia dos Perxes do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Ordem Discocephali. Bolm. Mus. munic. Funchal, 9 (23): pp. 5-75, 5 fig.
  • Nobre, A. 1935. Fauna marinha de Portugal. 1. Vertebrados (Mamiferos, Reptis e Peixes), Porto.: pp. Ixxxiv+1-21 (Mamiferos); pp. 1-5 (Reptis); pp. 1-574 (Peixes), pl. 1-77, phot. 1-64.
  • Smith, J. L. B. 1949b. The sea fishes of southern Africa. South Africa, 580 p., 111 pl., 1232 fig. (other editions: 1950, 1953, 1961, 1965, 1970).
  • Storer, D. H. 1839b. Fishes of Massachusetts: pp. 1-202, pl. I-III in Reports on the fishes, reptiles and birds of Massachusetts. Boston, 426 pp.
  • Storer, D. H. 1846. A synopsis of the Fishes of North America. Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 2: pp. 253-550.
  • Strasburg, D. W. 1964a. Further notes on the identification and biology of Echeneid fishes. Pacif. Sci., 18 (1): 51-57, fig. 1-2.
  • Temminck, C. J.; Schlegel, H. 1842-1850. Pisces: 324 p., 144 pl. In: Ph. Fr. von Siebold, Fauna Japonica. [Part I, 1842: pp.1-20; Part IIIV, 1843: pp. 21-72; Part V-VI, 1844: pp. 73-112; Part VII-IX, 1845: pp. 113-172, pl. I-CXLIII+A; Part X-XIV, 1846: pp. 173-269, 1850: pp. 270-324.].
  • Tortonese, E. 1973. Les poissons de la famille Echeneididae (Remoras) de la Mer Ligure et de la Mer Tyrrenienne.Rev. Trav. Inst. Peches Marit. 37 (2): pp. 197-202,1 fig.
  • Tortonese, E. 1975. Osteichthyes (pesci ossei). Parte seeconda. Faunaital. Il,Calderini, Bologna: pp. 1-536, 240 fig., 8 pl.