Aristostomias tittmanni


  • Fowler, H. W. 1936. The Marine Fishes of West Africa, based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition 1909-1915. Bull. am. Mus. nat. Hist., 70 (1), Jan. 21,.
  • Morrow, J. E. 1964c. Family Malacosteidae in Fishes of the Western North Atlantic. Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res., New Haven, 1(4): pp. 523-549, 4 fig.
  • Parr, A. E. 1927b. The stomiatoid fishes of the suborder Gymnophotodermi (Astronesthidae, Melanostomiatidae, Idiacanthidae) with a complete review of the species. Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll., 3 (2): 1-123, 62 fig.
  • Regan, C. T.; Trewavas, E. 1930. The fishes of the families Stomiatidae and Malacosteidae. Danish Dana Exped. 1920-1922, (6): 1-143, 138 fig., 14 pl.
  • Welsh, W. W. 1923. Seven new species of fish of the order Malacopterygii. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 62 (3): 1-11, 10 fig.