Opisthoproctus grimaldii


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  • Bertelsen, E.; Munk, 0. 1964. Rectal light organs in the argentinoid fishes Opisthoproctus and Winteria. Dana Rep., (62):17 p., pl. 1-2.
  • Chapman, W. M. 1942b. The osteology and relationship of the bathypelagic fish Macropinna microstoma. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (11) 9: 272-304.
  • Cohen, D. M. 1964a. Suborder Argentinoidea. Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res., New Haven, 1 (4): pp. 1-70.
  • Marshall, N. B. 1954. Aspects of deep-sea biology, London: 380 p., fig., 4 pl.
  • Marshall, N. B. 1960. Swimbladder structure of deep-sea fishes in relation to their systematics and Wology. 'Discovery' Rep., 31:1-122, 47 fig., pl. 1-3.
  • Munk, O. 1966. Ocular anatomy of some deep-sea teleosts. Dana Rep., (70): 63 pp., 16 pl.
  • Murray, J.; Hjort, J. 1912a. The depths of the ocean. A general account of the modern science of oceanography based largely on the scientific researches of the norwegian steamer Michael Sars in the North Atlantic. London, 1912: pp.xx+821, 575 fig., unnumbered fig., 4 maps, 9 pl.
  • Roule, L.; Angel, F. 1933. Poissons provenant des campagnes du Prince Albert I de Monaco. Résult. Camp. scient. Prince Albert 1, 86: pp. 1-115.
  • Schmidt, E. J. 1918b. Argentinidae, Microstomidae, Opisthoproctidae, Mediterranean Odontostomidae. Rep. Dan. oceanogr. Exped. Mediterr., 1908-1910, 2, Biol. (AS): pp. 1-40, 23 fig., 4 charts.
  • Whitley, G. P. 1943. Ichthyological notes and illustrations (Part 2). Aust. Zool., 10: pp. 167-187.
  • Zugmayer, E. 1911b. Poissons provenant des campagnes du Yacht 'Princesse Alice'. Résult. Camp. scient. Prince Albert 1, 35: 174 pp., 6 pl.