Herwigia kreffti


  • Iwamoto, T.; McCosker, J. E.; Barton, 0. 1976. Alepocephalid fishes of the genera Herwigia and Bathylaco, with the first Pacific record of H. kreffti. Jap. J. Ichthyol, 23 (1 ): 55-59, fig. 1.
  • Krefft, G. 1978. Distribution patterns of oceanic fishes in the Atlantic ocean. Selected problems. In: Hureau, J.-C. and K. Banister, Actes du 2e Congres europeen des ichtyologistes. Rev. Trav. Inst. Sc. techn. Peches mafft., 40 (34): pp. 439-460,13 fig.
  • Nielsen, J. G. 1972a. Additional notes on Atlantic Bathylaconidae (Pisces, Isospondyli) with a new genus.Arch. FischWiss. 23 (1): 29-36, 5 fig.
  • Nielsen, J. G.; Larsen, V. 1970. Bathylaconidae (Pisces, Isospondyli) from the Atlantic. Arch. FischWiss., 21: 28-39, 7 fig.