Bathylaco nigricans


  • Beebe, W. 1933a. Deep-sea Isospondylous fishes. Two new genera and four new species. Zoologica, N.Y., 13 (8): 159-167.
  • Goode, G. B.; Bean, T. H. 1896. Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by steamers Blake, Albatross and Fish Hawk in the northwestern Atlantic. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 30 and Spec. Bull U.S. natn. Mus., 1895 [.
  • Markle, D. F. 1976. Preliminary studies on the systematics of deep-sea Alepocephaloidea (Pisces: Salmoniformes). A dissertation presented to the Faculty of the School of Marine Science. The College of William and Mary in Virginia. 225 pp., 41 fig. (not published).
  • Nielsen, J. G. 1972a. Additional notes on Atlantic Bathylaconidae (Pisces, Isospondyli) with a new genus.Arch. FischWiss. 23 (1): 29-36, 5 fig.
  • Nielsen, J. G.; Larsen, V. 1968. Synopsis of the Bathylaconidae (Pisces, Isospondyli) with a new eastern Pacmc species. Galathea Rep., 9: 221-238, 10 fig., 3 pl.