Diretmus argenteus


  • Fowler, H. W. 1936. The Marine Fishes of West Africa, based on the collection of the American Museum Congo Expedition 1909-1915. Bull. am. Mus. nat. Hist., 70 (1), Jan. 21,.
  • Johnson, J. Y. 1863c. Descriptions of Three New Genera of Marine Fishes obtained at Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 403-410, pl. X-XXVI (also publ. in Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., 1864 (3)14: 70-78).
  • Maul, G. E. 1949d. Lista sistemática dos peixes da Madeira, 2: 41 p. (see also 1948b).
  • Maul, G. E. 1954a. Monografia dos Peixes do Museu Municipal do Funchal. Ordem Berycomorphi. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal, 7 (17): pp. 1-41, 13 fig.
  • Parr, A. E. 1933b. Deep-sea Berycomorphi and Percomorphi from the waters around the Bahama and Bermuda Islands. Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll., 3 (6): pp. 1-51, fig. 1-22.
  • Post, A. 1976. Ergebnisse der Forschungsreisen den FFS «Walter Hewing» nach Sudamerica. XLII. Diretmus Johnson, 1863 (Beryciformes, Berycoidei, Diretmidae. 2. Morphologie, Entwicklung, Verbreitung). Arch. FishWiss. 26 (2/3): 87-114, 9 fig.
  • Roule, L.; Angel, F. 1930. Larves et alevins de poissons provenant des croisières du Prince Albert I de Monaco. Résult. Camp. scient. Prince Albert 1, 79: 148 p., 6 pl. (165 fig.).
  • Vaillant, L. 1888. Poissons in Expéditions scientifiques du 'Travailleur' et du 'Talisman' pendant les années 1880-1883. Masson, Paris, 406 pp., 28 pl.
  • Woods, L. P.; Sonoda, P. M. 1973. Order Berycomorphi (Beryciformes) in Fishes of the western North Atlantic. Mem. Sears Found Mar. Res., Pew Haven, 1 (6): pp. 263-296, 66 fig.
  • Zugmayer, E. 1911b. Poissons provenant des campagnes du Yacht 'Princesse Alice'. Résult. Camp. scient. Prince Albert 1, 35: 174 pp., 6 pl.