Raja fyllae


  • Andriashev, A. P. 1964b. Fishes of the Northern Seas of the USSR. Jerusalem, IPST, 617 p., 300 fig. (Translated from: Ryby severnykh morei SSSR. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moskwa-Leningrad, 1954.).
  • Bigelow, H. B.; Schroeder, W. C. 1953a. Fishes of the western North Atlantic. Sawfishes, Guitarfishes, Skates and Rays; Chimaeroids. Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res., New Haven, 1(2): xv+588 p., 127 fig.
  • Clark, R. S. 1922. Rays and Skates (Raiae). No. 1. Egg-Capsules and Young. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K (n.s.), 12 (4): 577-643, fig 1-20.
  • Clark, R. S. 1926. Rays and Skates, a revision of the european species. Fisheries, Scotland, Scient. Invest., (1) :1-66, fig. 1-42, pl. 1-36.
  • Clark, R. S. 1929-1932. Selachii, Raiidae. In: L. Joubin, ed., Faune ichthyol. Atl. N., CIEM, Copenhagen: fiches 34bis-57.
  • Ehrenbaum, E. 1927b. XII. Chondrostei. In: G. Grimpe & E. Wagler, Die Tierwelt der Nordund Ostsee, 9 (12): f3-f8, 4 fig.
  • Ehrenbaum, E. 1936. Naturgeschichte und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Seefische Nordeuropas, in Handbuch der Seefischerei N. Eur., 2: x+337 pp., 276 fig., 2 tabl., 26 pl.
  • Günther, A. 1887. Report on the Deep-sea Fishes collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. Challenger Reports, Zool., 22: Ixv+268 pp., 7 fig., 66 pl.
  • Jensen, A. S. 1905b. Raja fyllae i Skagerak. Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren.: 227-238.
  • Jensen, A. S. 1907. Fiske: 251-360, pl. 25-33. In: J. C. Schiødte, ed., Zoologia Danica, Kopenhagen, 2 (12).
  • Jensen, A. S. 1914. The Selachians of Greenland. Mindeskr. Japetus Steenstrups Føds, 2 (30): 1-40, 12 fig., 1 pl.
  • Jensen, A. S. 1948. Contribution to the ichthyofauna of Greenland 8-24. Spolia. zool Mus. haun., 9: 1-182, 26 fig., 4 pl.
  • Lütken, C. F. 1888. Korte Bidrag til nordisk Ichthyographi. VI. En for Grønlandshavet ny Rokke-Art (Raja fyllae n. sp.). Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren. 1887 [.
  • Lütken, C. F. 1898. The ichthyological results. Dan. Ingolf-Exped , 2 (1): pp. 1-38, 2 fig. n. num., pl. I-IV, 1 map.
  • Muus, B. J.; Dahlström, P. 1965. Meeresfische in Farben, 244 pp., 173 numb. and many unnumb. fig.
  • Nordgaard, O. 1925. The Folden Fjord. Fishes II. A Raja-capsule from the Folla Fjord. Troms0 Mus. Skr., 1(4): 9-10,1 fig.
  • Smitt, F. A. 1893-1895. (ed.) A history of Scandinavian fishes, Stockholm and Paris, Atlas, I, 1893, pl. i-xxvii.
  • Stehmann, M. 1970. Vergleichend morphologische und anatomische Untersuchungen zur Neuordnung der Systematik der nordostatlantischen Rajidae (Chondrichthyes, Batoidei). Arch. FischWiss., 21(2): 73-163,1 fig., pl. 1-27.