Sphyrna lewini


  • Baughman, J. L.; Springer, S. 1950. Biological and economic notes on the sharks of the Gulf of Mexico, with special reference to those of Texas and with a key for their identification. Am. Midl. Nat., 44 (1): 96-152, 19 fig.
  • Bigelow, H. B.; Schroeder, W. C. 1948b. Sharks. In: Fishes of the western north Atlantic. Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res., New Haven, 1(1): 59-576, fig. 6-106.
  • Blainville, H. M. Ducrotay de 1816. Prodrome d'une nouvelle distribution systématique du règne animal. Bull. Soc. philomath. Paris, 8 :105 (=113)-124.
  • Clark, E.; Schmidt, K. von 1965. Sharks of the central Gulf coast of Florida. Bull. mar. Sci. Gulf Caribb., 15 (1) :13-83.
  • Cuvier, G. 1834. The animal kingdom . . . by the Baron Cuvier . . . with additional descriptions of species . . . by E. Griffith, C. H. Smith (and P. B. Lord), Pisces 10: 680 pp., 62 pl.
  • Day, F. 1865a. The Fishes of Malabar. London, 293 pp., 20 col. pl.
  • Fraser-Brunner, A. 1950b. A synopsis of the hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna), with description of a new species. Rec. Aust. Mus., 22 (3): pp. 213-219.
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  • Gilbert, C. R. 1967. A revision of the hammerhead sharks. Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 119 (3539): 1-88, pl. 1-10.
  • Hasselt, J. C. van 1823. Uittreksel uit een Brief van Dr. J. C. van Hasselt aan den Heer C. J. Temminck. Alg. Konst. Letterbode Haarlem, (20): 315-317.
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  • Springer, S. 1941. A new species of Hammerhead shark of the genus Sphyrna. Proc. Fla. Acad Sci., 1940 [.
  • Tortonese, E. 1950a. Studi sui Plagiostomi, 2: Evoluzione, corologia e sistematica della famiglia Sphyrnidae (Pesci martello). Boll Musei Zool Anat. comp. R. Univ. Torino, 2(2): pp. 1-39, 11 fig.