Genus Stephanolepis

Stephanolepis Gill, 1862

Pelvic spine short, broad and movable. Scales very small. Adult males with a patch of bristles on posterior part of sides and with second ray in posterior dorsal fin prolonged. Anterior dorsal spine behind middle of eye and with 2 series of retrorse barbs posteriorly, sometimes obsolete in adults. Occur in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. Eggs probably pelagic, sometimes green.

Species about 10; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revision: Fraser-Brunner (1940).

Note. A new revision of this genus is expected. At present, no valid and constant features can be quoted for distinguishing the two species in the area. However, they are well separated geographically.

Species of this genus in the program:
Stephanolepis diaspros
Stephanolepis hispidus