Genus Triglopsis

Triglopsis Girard, 1851

Body above lateral line with bony plates. Post-ocular and occipital protuberances small and low, but sometimes developed as spongy knobs, without a ridge between them; sensory canals of head broad, pores of canalicules small or not visible; 4 preopercular spines, upper well developed. Spinous dorsal fin lower than soft portion, space between the two at least equal to eye, males with numerous acute spinules on soft dorsal and pectoral finrays. Circumpolar coastal in brackish and freshwaters, with relict freshwater populations in certain European, Asian and North American lakes. Feed on small bottom invertebrates and fishes. Eggs demersal and large, usually a few thousands. No commercial value.

Species perhaps 1 (but some workers split into morphs, subspecies or distinct species).

Note. Included in Myoxocephalus in Clofnam. Synonyms are Ptyonotus Gunther, 1860 (type: Triglopsis thompsoni Girard), Oncocottus Gill, 1863 (type: Cottus quadricornis Linnaeus).

Species of this genus in the program:
Triglopsis quadricornis