Genus Lestidiops

Lestidiops Hubbs, 1916

Body elongate; snout pointed, less than half head length; jaws large with well-developed teeth, saw-like on premaxillae, alternately fixed and flexible on lower jaw and on palatines; gillrakers with bony bases armed with small teeth. Dorsal fin short, a little behind midpoint of body, and a small adipose dorsal fin far back near tail; pelvic fins slightly or well in front of dorsal fin origin; anal fin far back, with 25-35 finrays and an adipose fin in front. Scales present only on lateral line.

See family for biology, etc.

Species about 15; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: none and badly needed.

Species of this genus in the program:
Lestidiops affinis
Lestidiops jayakari
Lestidiops sphyrenoides