Familia Aulopidae

(Aulopodidae auct.)

by K. J. Sulak

Medium-sized, fairly elongate fishes with large eyes and terminal mouth, the upper jaw sometimes reaching to hind border of eye, the maxilla expanded posteriorly and bearing two small supra-maxillae; jaws and roof of mouth with numerous needle-like and depressible teeth; pseudobranch present. Dorsal fin set far forward, first few dorsal finrays often extended in males; a small adipose dorsal fin; pelvic fins with 9 rays, inserted a little behind base of pectoral fins; caudal fin deeply forked. Scales present, lateral line along midline of body.
Benthic on continental shelf and slope at temperate and tropical latitudes, circumglobal (except eastern Pacific). Probably feeding on other fishes (little data). Pelagic eggs and larvae described (Sanzo, 1915; Taning, 1918; Mito, 1960; Okiyama, 1973). Of limited commercial importance as by-catch species (Mead, 1966a), but flesh of A. filamentosus reported excellent.

Genera 1