Genus Lycenchelys

Lycenchelys Gill, 1884

Body somewhat compressed, usually scaled (but some species naked), caudal part elongated, body depth 4.0-7.5% TL. Mouth terminal or subterminal; no crests on chin; teeth present on vomer and palatines. Dorsal fin origin over or behind pectoral fins; pelvic fins present; preanal distance usually less than 1/3 TL. Infra-orbital and mandibular pores nostril-like; upper (palatine) and lower (mandibular) breathing valves well developed. Branchiostegal rays 6. Lateral line single (ventral) or double (midlateral and ventral). Deep waters of all oceans, mainly in northern hemisphere, but also occur in Antarctic and Subantarctic.

Species more than 40; in Clofnam area 5.

Recent revisions: badly needed.

Species of this genus in the program:
Lycenchelys alba
Lycenchelys kolthoffi
Lycenchelys muraena
Lycenchelys platyrhinus
Lycenchelys sarsi