Genus Dentex

Dentex Cuvier, 1814

Body oblong, rather deep; scales on cheeks and preopercle (except on posterior margin) and opercle; mouth terminal, little inclined; caniniform teeth in both jaws, in several rows, the outer the strongest, with 46 anterior strong canines (in D. macrophthalmus fangs present only on upper jaw).
Inshore waters on various bottoms; carnivorous; hermaphroditic gonochoric; largely caught and marketed fresh or frozen and for fish-meal, flesh of good quality.

Species 8; in Clofnam area 5.

Recent revision: Poll (1971)

Species of this genus in the program:
Dentex canariensis
Dentex dentex
Dentex gibbosus
Dentex macrophthalmus
Dentex maroccanus