Genus Cubiceps

Cubiceps Lowe, 1843

Small to medium-sized fishes with an elongate, compressed body, musculature firm; caudal peduncle short, deep, and compressed. Mouth small, end of maxilla under anterior border of large eye. Small pointed teeth present in a single series in the jaws; very small teeth present on the head and shaft of the vomer and in a single series on the palatines and basibranchials; teeth on the tongue in a single series or an oval patch. Two dorsal fins, scarcely separated; origin of first dorsal fin behind origin of pectoral fin; dorsal spines long and slender, the longest longer than any dorsal finray; 1-3 anal fin spines; origin of pelvic fins behind pectoral fin base; pectoral fins long, becoming especially long and wing-like with growth; caudal fin forked, the lobes often over one another. Scales rather large, cycloid, easily shed and covering the bases of the dorsal and anal fins; tubed scales of the lateral line high, following dorsal profile and ending before or on caudal peduncle; subdermal canal along middle of side prominent and may be confused with lateral line. Scales on top of head extending forward as far as the nostrils; remainder of snout naked; cheeks scaled. Colour generally dark, brownish or blueblack on the back and lighter below.

Species probably at least 10 (the genus is in need of continued work); in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Astyakov (1978), Butler (1979).

Species of this genus in the program:
Cubiceps gracilis