Genus Gobius

Gobius Linnaeus, 1758

Sub-orbital papillae with 6 transverse rows, 4 complete before and 2 lower parts below longitudinal row b; sometimes 1 to a few papillae visible in pore a. No row a. Anterior and posterior oculoscapular, and preopercular, head canals present.
Nape and predorsal area scaled, sometimes rear cheek. Anterior nostril with triangular to tentacle-like or digitate process from posterior rim. Pectoral fin with at least uppermost 2 or 3 rays more or less free from membrane. Pelvic disc complete to deeply emarginate with reduced anterior membrane. Dl VI; D2 I + 11-15(16); A I + 11-14 (10-14); P 16- 21 (15-22). Scales in lateral series 30-65, ctenoid. Vertebrae usually 28. Mostly larger gobies from intertidal rock pools to offshore fine deposits, some in brackish waters. Gobius niger and G. cobitis are brought to local Mediterranean fish markets.

Species about 16; in Clofnam area 14.

Recent revisions: Miller (1974), Miller and El-Tawil (1974).

Species of this genus in the program:
Gobius ater
Gobius auratus
Gobius bucchichi
Gobius cobitis
Gobius couchi
Gobius cruentatus
Gobius fallax
Gobius gasteveni
Gobius geniporus
Gobius luteus
Gobius niger
Gobius paganellus
Gobius roulei
Gobius strictus
Gobius vittatus