Genus Synchiropus

Synchiropus Gill, 1859

Gill opening sublateral. No antrorse spine at base of preopercular spine. All rays of second dorsal fin branched (occasionally except for the first). Membrane behind the last ray of the first dorsal very small or absent. Dl IV; D2 8-9; A 8-9 (Clofnam area).
Benthic on sandy or muddy bottoms in 80-650 m (Clofnam area). Feeding on small bottom invertebrates, chiefly worms, snails and crustaceans. Oviparous; pelagic eggs and larvae. Territorial; males aggressive to each other. Complex courtship behaviour; 4 phases: courtship, pairing, ascending, releasing eggs and milt.

Species 29; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Fricke (1981, 1983).

Species of this genus in the program:
Synchiropus phaeton