Genus Nezumia

Nezumia Jordan, 1904

Body tapering fairly evenly to pointed tail, head fairly short, compressed; snout pointed to blunt, quite prominent to short, its tip and lateral angles usually studded with scutes; mouth moderate or small, upper jaw about one-third head length or less, teeth in bands (outer row enlarged in upper jaw); gillrakers tubercular; 7 branchiostegal rays; chin barbel present. Second finray of first dorsal fin a serrated spine; scales with numerous spinules of various kinds. Anus encircled by black skin, Iying between pelvic insertion and anal fin origin; a small scaleless 'window' between pelvic-fin bases (associated with light organ).

Species 39; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revision: Marshall and Iwamoto (1973—western North Atlantic).

Species of this genus in the program:
Nezumia aequalis
Nezumia longebarbata
Nezumia sclerorhynchus