Genus Chalinura

Chalinura Goode and Bean, 1883

Snout blunt, its leading edge armed with tubercular scales, each with a median ridge (sometimes toothed). Mouth moderate or large, subterminal, lower jaw with a single row of relatively large teeth, upper jaw (premaxillae) with an enlarged outer row and one or more smaller inner rows; premaxilla at least 33% head length; barbel present; eyes rather small. Branchiostegal rays 6. Spinous finray of first dorsal fin serrated in front. Spinules more or less developed on scales, in subparallel lines; scales usually absent in a single or paired patch behind leading edge of snout. No light organ. Anus just before anal fin origin.
Deepwater fishes, usually found below 1,500 m.

Species 8; in Clofnam area 4.

Recent revision: Marshall (1973—western North Atlantic).

Species of this genus in the program:
Chalinura brevibarbis
Chalinura leptolepis
Chalinura mediterranea
Chalinura profundicola