Genus Raniceps

Raniceps (Cuvier), Oken, 1817

Moderately elongate gadoid fishes with 2 dorsal fins and 1 anal fin; first dorsal reduced to 3 short rays. Pelvic fins normal, with 6 rays, outer rays elongate, the second extending to vent. Head large and broad, depressed, nearly as wide as long. No barbel on snout, only 1 on chin.

Habitat: shallow water, inshore, at 10-15 m, rarely to 100 m. Behaviour: benthic, solitary, local migrations. Food: benthic crustaceans, molluscs, worms, fish. Reproduction: from July to September, near shore, in 50 m or less.

Distribution: north-eastern Atlantic from Trondheim Fjord, Skagerrak, Kattegat, Mechlenburg Bay (rarely), to Bay of Biscay.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Raniceps raninus