Genus Talismania

Talismania Goode and Bean, 1896
Body fairly slender, scaled. Eye large, snout pointed. Pyloric caeca 7-11; ovary completely enclosed in tunic. Dorsal and anal fins far back on body, approximately equal and opposite to each other; dorsal finrays 1824; pectoral finrays 10-16, the first sometimes filamentous; pelvic finrays 7-8; anal finrays 17-24. A black wart-like spot near base of sixth dorsal finray (sometimes rubbed off).
Engybenthic at about 450-1,700 m.

Species 7; in Clofnam area 3.

Recent revisions: Parr (1952), Sulak (1975), Quero (1975), Sazonov and Ivanov (1980).

Species of this genus in the program:
Talismania antillarum
Talismania homoptera
Talismania mekistonema