Genus Einara

Einara Parr, 1951
(including Torictus Parr, 1951)

Body moderately compressed, head moderate or large; snout projecting slightly beyond tip of lower jaw; tip of upper jaw reaching to or beyond hind margin of eye. Pyloric caeca 3-8; peritoneum unpigmented. Dorsal fin set fairly far back on body, with 21-29 finrays, pectoral fins short, with 9-12 finrays, pelvic finrays 5-6, anal fin origin slightly before dorsal fin origin, with 25-35 finrays. Scales moderate to large.
Mesopelagic to bathypelagic at about 700-2,100 m.

Species 2; both in Clofnam area.

Recent revisions: Parr (1951).

Species of this genus in the program:
Einara edentula
Einara macrolepis