Genus Gephyroberyx

Gephyroberyx Boulenger, 1902

Body deep and oval. Ventral scutes and preopercular spine very strong. Teeth in bands along jaws, inner ones larger than outer ones; in lower jaw a double row of hooked teeth posteriorly; teeth on vomer and palatines. Dorsal spines 8, rarely 7. Body scales small, irregularly arranged; lateral line scales only slightly enlarged.
Rare, known from depths between about 300 and 800 m. Otherwise little is known about the fishes of this genus.

Species 3; in Clofnam area 1.

Note. The three species—G. darwini, G. japonicus and G. philippinus— are said to be difficult to distinguish from one another because of considerable overlap in meristic characters and may turn out to be the same.

Species of this genus in the program:
Gephyroberyx darwini