Genus Serrivomer

Serrivomer Gill and Ryder, 1884

Body greatly elongate, tapering gradually along caudal portion. Snout beak-like, less than half length of head; eye small, closer to snout tip than to gill opening; anterior and posterior nostrils close together, immediately in front of eye. Jaws much produced, the lower longer than upper; rictus under posterior edge of eye. Vomerine teeth lanceolate, blade-like, placed alternatively in 2 rows and forming a high serrated ridge; on maxillary and dentary, numerous sharp teeth, multiserial.
Adults meso- to abyssopelagic down to 6,000 m; larvae in higher levels at 0-300 m, with vertical rise during night. With maturity, changes appear in external morphology (body becomes higher and thicker, eye larger) and in arrangement of vomerine teeth.

Species 10; in Clofnam area 2.

Recent revisions: Beebe and Crane (1936), Bauchot-Boutin (1959— correlation of leptocephali to adults).

Species of this genus in the program:
Serrivomer beani
Serrivomer brevidentatus