Genus Hariotta

Hariotta Goode and Bean, 1895

Body massive, but somewhat elongated, tapering in upper and lower profile to a long whip-like caudal filament; snout very long through a relatively slender, pointed rostrum marked off from forehead; tip of rostrum often curved upward, more so in adult males, which often also develop hard rounded knobs in that section; eyes small to moderate, above mouth; tooth-plates with transverse ndges and mainly rounded knobs (tritors) except in early juveniles; first dorsal fin a short, high triangle with a strong spine in front, serrated along both hind edges at all growth stages (in H. raleighana), as high as the fin and almost entirely free from its front margin; second dorsal fin much lower and longer, either widely separated from or basally connected to the latter, its upper margin convex to straight; pectoral fins broad, their tips exceeding origin of pelvic fins, or not (in H. haeckeli); no anal fin; upper and lower part of caudal fin either alike, or lower part longer and higher, but edge of upper caudal normal, without denticles or knobs.
Benthopelagic on deeper parts of continental slopes, at 360-2,000 m.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1 (but possibly both).

Recent revisions: Bigelow and Schroeder (1953, 1954), Garrick (1971), Karrer (1972), Garrick and Inada (1975).

Species of this genus in the program:
Hariotta raleighana