Genus Kyphosus

Kyphosus Lacepède. 1801
Gender: M; Histoire naturelle des Poissons, 3: 114
Type: Kyphosus bigibbus Lacepède, by monotypy.


Pimelepterus Lacepède, 1802, ibid., 4: 429 (type: Pimelepterus bosquii Lacepède, by monotypy).
Dorsuarius Lacepède, 1803, ibid., 5: 482 (type: Dorsuarius nigrescens (Commerson), by monotypy).
Xyster Lacepède, 1803, ibid., 5: 484 (type: Xyster fuscus (Commerson), by monotypy).
Xysterus Rafinesque, 1815, Anal. nat.: 88.
Seleima S. Bowdich, 1825, Excurs. Madeira: 238 (type: Seleima aurata Bowdich, by monotypy).
? Opisthistius Gill, 1862, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad.: 245 (type: Opisthistius tahmel (Rüppell)).
Sectator Jordan and Fesler, 1893, Rept. U.S. Fish. Comm., 27: 536 (type: Pimelepterus ocyurus Jordan and Gilbert, 1881, by monotypy).