Genus Tetrapturus

Tetrapturus Rafinesque, 1810
Gender: M; Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil.: 54 55, pl. 1 (fi). 1)
Type: Tetrapturus belone Rafinesque, by monotypy.


Skeponopodus Nardo, 1833, Isis (Oken), XXV1(4): 416-419 (type: species: Skeponopodus typus Nardo, by virtue of the name typus (nomen nudum)).
Tetrapterurus Bonaparte, 1841, Icon. Faun. Ital., 3 (1): 19 (emended orthographic spelling of Tetrapturus Rafinesque)
Tetrapterus Agassiz, 1843, Recherches Poiss. Foss., 5: 7, 89-92, table E (emended spelling for Tetrapturus Rafinesque).
Tetraplurus Vérany, 1846, Atti ott. Riun. Sci. ital. Genoa: 492-494 (misprint for Tetrapturus Rafinesque).
Scheponopodus Canestrini, 1872, Fauna Italia, (3): 112 (emended spelling of Skeponopodus Nardo, 1833).
Tetraperus Radcliffe, 1926, Copeia, (151): 112 (? misprint for Tetrapturus Rafinesque).
Marlina Grey, 1928, Nat. Hist., 28 (1): 47 (based on Tetrapturus mitsukurii Jordan and Snyder (= T. audax Philippi), by monotypy (nomen nudum); the use of Marlina at the generic level is probably a lapsus.
Marlina Hirasaka and Nakamura, 1947. Bull océanogr. Inst. Taiwan, (3): 15, is based on Makaira marlina Jordan and Evermann, 1926 (= Makaira indica (Cuvier))).
Kajikia Hirasaka and Nakamura, 1947, Bull. oceanogr. Inst. Taiwan, (3): 13-14, pl. 2 (fi). 1) (type: Kajikia formosana (= Tetrapturus audax Philippi), by monotypy).
Pseudohistiophorus de Buen, 1950, Publ. cient. Serv. oceanogr. minist. Ind. Montevideo, (5): 171 (based on Tetrapturus illingworthi Jordan and Evermann, 1926 (= T. angustirostris Tanaka), by orig. design.)
Lamontella Smith, 1956, Ichthyol. Bull Rhodes Univ., (2): 32 (based on Tetrapturus albida (sic) Poey, by orig. design. and monotypy).