Genus Makaira

Makaira Lacepède, 1802
Gender: F; Hist. nat. Poiss., 4: 689-697, pl. 13 (fi). 3)
Type: Makaira nigricans Lacepède, 1802, based on a drawing of a 365 kg specimen washed ashore at Ile de Re, Bay of Biscay, France, see Morrow, 1959.


Tetrapturus: Cuvier, 1832, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 8: 293 (type: Tetrapturus indicus Cuvier non Rafinesque, 1810).
Machaera Cuvier, 1832, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. nat., 1: 43, pl. 3 (type: Machaera velifera Cuvier, by monotypy, emended spelling).
Macaria Nardo, 1833, Isis (Oken), XXVI: 418 (emended spelling of Makaira).
Istiompax Whitley, 1931, Austral. Zool., 6: 321 (type: Istiompax australis (nomen nudum)).
Eumakaira Hirasaka and Nakamura, 1947, Bull. oceanogr. Inst. Taiwan, (3): 16, pl. 2 (fi). 2) (type: Eumakaira nigra).
Orthocraeros Smith, 1956, Ichthyol. Bull. Rhodes Univ., (2): 31-32, pl. I (fi). I) (type: Makaira bermudae Mowbray, 1931, Fauna Bermud., (1): pl. I (fi). 1)).