Genus Nesiarchus

Nesiarchus Johnson, 1862
Gender: M; Proc. zool. Soc. London, 1862: 173
Type: Nesiarchus nasutus Johnson, by monotypy.


Escolar Jordan and Evermann, 1896, in Goode and Bean, 1896, Mem. Mus. compar. Zool. Harv., 22: 519 (type: Thyrsitops violaceus Bean, by orig. design., Le Have Bank, south of Newfoundland, 125 fathoms).
Bipinnula Jordan and Evermann, 1896, Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., (47): 878 (type: Thyrsitops violaceus Bean, by orig. design., Le Have Bank, south of Newfoundland, 125 fathoms).