Genus Kali

Kali Lloyd, 1909
Gender: F; Mem. Indian Mus., 2 (3): 154
Type: K. indica Lloyd, Bay of Bengal, by monotypy.


Odontonema Weber, 1913, Siboga Exped., Pisces: 149 (type: O. kerberti Weber = K. indica Lloyd, Banda Sea, by monotypy).
Dolichodon Parr, 1931a, Bull. Bingham oceanogr. Coll., 2 (4): 45-46 (type: D. normani Parr by orig. design., non Dolichodon Gray, 1866, Mammalia).
Hemicyclodon Parr, 1931c, Copeia, (4): 162 (substitute for Dolichodon Parr preoccupied, and therefore having the same type: species).