Genus Coelorhynchus

Coelorhynchus Giorna, 1809
Gender: M; Memorie Accad. Sci. Torino, 1805-1809,16: 179-180
Type: Lepidoleprus coelorhincus Risso, 1810, by tautonymy.


Paramacrurus Bleeker, 1874, Versl. Meded. K. Akad Wet. Amst., (2) 8: 370 (type: Lepidoleprus australis Richardson, by original designation).
Oxymacrurus Bleeker, 1874, loc. cit.: 370 (type: Macrourus japonicus Temminck and Schlegel, by original designation).
Abyssicola Goode and Bean, Spec. Bull. U.S. natn. Mus., 2: 389, 417 (type: Macrurus macrochir Günther, by original designation).
Quincuncia (subgenus) Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920, Bull. U.S. natn. Mus. (100), 1(7): 425, 432 (type: Coelorhynchus argentatus Smith and Radcliffe, by original designation).
Oxygadus (subgenus) Gilbert and Hubbs, 1920, loc. cit.: 431-515 (type: Macrurus parallelus Gunther, by original designation).
Garichthys Whitley, 1934, Suppl. check-list fish. N.S. Wales (McCulloch), 3rd ed., no. 406 (type: Coelorhynchus (Paramacrurus) mirus McCulloch, by original designation).