Genus Alosa

Alosa Linck, 1790
Gender: F; Mag. Neuest. Phys. Naturgesch., 6 (3): 35 (no species included)
Type: Clupea alosa Linnaeus, 1758, by tautonymy; Cuvier, 1829, Regne animal, ed. II, 2: 319.


Alausa Valenciennes, 1847, in Cuv. Val., Hist. Nat. Poiss., 20: 389 (type: A. vulgaris Valenciennes, 1847 = Cl. alosa L., apparently a variant spelling of Alosa).
Clupeonella (not Kessler, 1877) Berg, 1913, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (8)11: 472 (type: Cl. grimmi Kessler, 1877, sensu Berg = larvae of one of species of Clupea saposhnikovi Grimm, 1887, group).
Caspialosa Berg, 1915, Mater. pozn. russ. rybol., 4 (6): 4 (type: Clupea caspia Eichwald, 1838, by orig. design.).
Paralosa Roule, 1925, Poiss. eaux douces France: 73 (type: Cl. fallax Lacepede, 1803, name preocc. by Paralosa Bleeker, 1868 and Regan, 1916).