Genus Serrivomer

Serrivomer Gill and Ryder, 1884,
Gender: M; Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 1883 (1884), 6: 260
Type: S. beani Gill and Ryder, 1884, by monotypy.


Spinivomer Gill and Ryder, 1884, Proc. U.S. natn. Mus., 1883 (1884), 6: 261 (type: S. goodei Gill and Ryder, 1884, by monotypy) = Serrivomer juv.
Gavialiceps Alcock, 1899 (non Alcock ex Wood-Mason MS, 1889), Cat. Indian Deep Sea Fishes: 191 (type: G. microps Alcock, 1889, by orig. design.).
Alcockidia Gilbert, 1905, Bull U.S. Fish. Commn, 1903 (1905), 23: 586 (type: Gayialiceps microps, Alcock, 1889, by orig. design.).
Paraserrivomer Roule and Angel, 1931, Bull Inst. océanogr. Monaco, (581): 2 (type: Gavialiceps hasta Zugmayer, 1911, by orig. design.).