Genus Dalatias

Dalatias Rafinesque, 1810
Gender:?; Caratt. Gen. Spec. Sicil.: 10
Type: D. sparophagus Rafinesque, by subs. design. of Jordan et al., 1913: 22, an unidentifiable species.


Scymnorhinus Bonaparte, 1846 Gender: M; Cat. metod. Pesci europ.: 16 (type: S. Iichia Bonaparte = Squalus licha Bonnaterre, by monotypy).
Scymnus Cuvier, 1817, Règne anim., 2: 130-131 (type S. americanus Gmelin = Squalus licha Bonnaterre, by subs. design. of Gill, 1862c: 405), preoccupied.