Genus Torpedo

Torpedo Houttuyn, 1764
Gender: F; Nat. Hist. Dieren, Planten, Mineral., 1(6): 453-462
Atypic; type: Raja torpedo Linnaeus, by absolute tautonymy; generally accepted.


Torpedo Houttuyn, 1764
Nat. Hist. Dieren, Planten, Mineral., 1(6): 453-462
Type: Raja torpedo Linnaeus, by absolute tautonymy.


Narcobatus Blainville, 1816, Bull. Soc. philomath. Paris, 8: 121 (type: R. torpedo
Linnaeus, by subs. design. of Jordan, 1917: 95).
Narcobatis Blainville, 1820-1830, in Vieillot, Faune franc., (2) 2: 43-44 (type: R. torpedo Linnaeus, by monotypy).
Narcacion Gill, 1862, Ann. Lyceum nat. Hist. New York, 7: 387 (atypic, based on Narcacion Klein, 1777, Neuer Schaupl. Nat., (4): 726, not permissible, the type species of which is R. torpedo Linnaeus, by subs. design. of Jordan, 1917 . 39).
Fimbrio torpedo Fritsch, 1886, Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abt.), 1886: 365 (type:
Torpedo marmorata Risso, by subs. design. of Jordan, 1920: 435, sub-genus of Torpedo Houttuyn.
Eunarce Fowler, 191O, Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad., 62: 472 (type: Torpedo narke
Risso = R. torpedo Linnaeus, by orig. design.), subgenus of Torpedo Houttuyn.


Tetronarce Gill, 1862
Gender: F; Ann. Lyceum nat. Hist. New York, 7: 387
Type: Torpedo occidentalis Storer = T. nobiliana Bonaparte, by orig. design.


Cymnotorpedo Fritsch, 1886, Arch. Anat. Physiol. (physiol. Abt.), 1886: 364365 (type: T. occidentalis Storer = T. nobiliana Bonaparte, by subs. design. of Jordan, 1920: 435).