Genus Trachyscorpia

Trachyscorpia Ginsburg, 1953

Most spines on head well developed; preorbital bone with 2 spines over maxillary; sub-orbital ridge prominent, with 5-25 sharp spines, the number increasing with age; supplemental preopercular spine present; first preopercular spine long; upper post-temporal spine absent; other spines present include nasal, pre-, supra-, and post-ocular, tympanic, parietal, nuchal, pterotic, sphenotic, lower post-temporal, supracleithral and cleithral. Occipital pit absent. Palatine teeth present. Dorsal fin with 11-12 spines and 8-9 rays; anal fin with 3 spines and 5 rays; pectoral fin with 20-24 rays, the longest rays near upper part of fin. Scales on body ctenoid; cheek, post-orbital area and occiput scaly. Temperate and warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Species 2, one consisting of 2 subspecies; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Trachyscorpia echinata