Genus Scorpaenodes

Scorpaenodes Bleeker, 1857

Preorbital bone with 2 rounded lobes over maxilla; sub-orbital ridge with 1 row of spines; supplemental preopercular spine usually present; first preopercular spine longest; upper post-temporal and nasal spines absent in some species; 2 small additional spines on frontal bones; a few spinous points usually present behind orbit; other spines present include the preocular, supra-ocular, post-ocular, parietal, nuchal, sphenotic, lower post-temporal, opercular, supracleithral and cleithral. Occipital pit absent. Teeth present on vomer but absent on palatines. Dorsal fin with 13 spines and 8-10 rays; anal fin with 3 spines and (4) 5 rays; pectoral fin with 15-20 rays, some branched. Vertebrae 24. Scales on body ctenoid; head usually scaly.
Tropical and warm temperate seas.

Species: about 10; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Scorpaenodes arenai