Genus Neogobius

Neogobius lljin, 1927.

Sub-orbital papillae with 7 transverse rows, usually 4 before, and 2 lower parts below, longitudinal row b. No row a. Anterior and posterior oculoscapular and preopercular head canals present. Predorsal area and nape at least partly scaled; cheek naked. Anterior nostril tubular, but with no more than lappet from rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays within membrane. Pelvic disc complete, anterior membrane sometimes with conspicuous lateral lobes. First dorsal rays Vl. D2 I + 14-18 (13-20); A I + 11-15 (16); P 15-20 (14-21). Scales ctenoid, in lateral series 45-72 (42-75).
Several large Ponto-Caspian species; some have been of commercial importance, especially in Sea of Azov fisheries.

Species in Clofnam area 9.

Recent revisions: Pinchuk (1976, 1977).

Species of this genus in the program:
Neogobius cephalargoides
Neogobius eurycephalus
Neogobius fluviatilis
Neogobius gymnotrachelus
Neogobius kessleri
Neogobius melanostomus
Neogobius platyrostris
Neogobius ratan
Neogobius syrman