Genus Knipowitschia

Knipowitschia lljin, 1927

Sub-orbital papillae with longitudinal row a around lower edge of orbit; rows a and c, including cp, with transverse series. Anterior oculoscapular and preopercular head canals present, the former ending anteriorly in inter-orbit (at pore g) and usually lacking pores w and b, the latter without middle pore d. Posterior oculoscapular canal usually absent but present in one species. Anterior back, predorsal area and head naked. Anterior nostril a short tube, without process from rim. Pectoral fin uppermost rays within membrane. Pelvic disc complete. First dorsal rays Vl (V-VII). Vertebral modes 30-33. Scales ctenoid, 31-39 in lateral series.
Small epibenthic species, essentially Ponto-Caspian, of fresh and brackish waters, with Adriatic and intermediate populations.

Species in Clofnam area 3.

Species of this genus in the program:
Knipowitschia caucasica
Knipowitschia longecaudata
Knipowitschia panizzae