Genus Boreogadus

Boreogadus Günther, 1862

Lower jaw projecting beyond upper one. A short barbel on chin, shorter than eye pupil or obsolete. Coronal fossa on frontals open in front of commissure between supra-orbital canals. Sensory canals on head with very small pores. First anal fin short, its base less than one-half of preanal distance and its origin below the origin of second dorsal fin base. Caudal fin forked. Lateral line not continuous over whole body, with two or three wavy curves behind middle of second dorsal fin base.

Habitat: inshore but mainly offshore, at edge and under drifting ice, salt and brackish water, entering mouths of rivers. Behaviour: gregarious, in large shoals; feeding and spawning migrations. Food: calanoids, hyperiids, planktonic juvenile amphipods, euphausiids.

Reproduction: January and February, below 0° C, inshore and offshore, under or near drifting ice, near bottom.

Species 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Boreogadus saida