Genus Polyipnus

Polyipnus Gunther, 1887

Body laterally compressed, deep; eye directed laterally, mouth vertical; branchiostegal rays 10. Dorsal blade small, derived from fusion of anterior radial with seventh supraneural. Posteriormost dorsal and anal finrays split to base; anal fin undivided. Dorsal adipose fin present; pelvic finrays 7. Post-temporal spine(s) well developed; post-abdominal (iliac) spines conspicuous, directed postero-ventrally; abdominal keel well defined. Swimbladder well developed, gas-filled, euphysoclistous. Scales deciduous. Back dark, flanks silver.

Photophores. ORB 1, pigmented, directed into eye; OP 3; BR (6); IP (6); PV (10); VAV (5); AC2 (4).
Pseudoceanic, shallow mesopelagic at 50-400 m; subtropical-tropical in Atlantic, Indo-Pacific (40° N-40° S); absent in Mediterranean. Some species diel vertical migrators, others non-migrants. Dioecious.

Species 20; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Borodulina (1979).

Species of this genus in the program:
Polyipnus polli