Genus Dussumieria

Dussumieria Valenciennes, 1847

Diagnosis: small silvery fishes, elongate, cylindrical; belly rounded, without keel of scutes. Snout distinctly pointed, mouth small, premaxillae rectangular; branchiostegal rays usually 13-15. Dorsal fin origin a little behind midpoint of body; anal fin short, far behind dorsal fin base. Scales thin and very easily detached. Colour: back iridescent blue/green, flanks beginning bronze/gold, shading downward to silver. Size: to 20 cm, usually 10-15 cm.

Habitat: coastal pelagic; forming large shoals, of fishery importance in Indian Ocean. Food: small planktonic animals, chiefly crustaceans; also diatoms in adult fishes. Reproduction: unknown in area; spawning intermittent in Indian Ocean, eggs and larvae planktonic.

Distribution: rare immigrant to eastern Mediterranean from Red Sea via Suez Canal (coasts of Israel, Turkey, Lebanon). Elsewhere, whole Indo-Pacific area, from Red Sea to Japan.

Species 2; in Clofnam area I (rare immigrant from Red Sea).

Recent revisions: Wongratana (MS. 1980).

Species of this genus in the program:
Dussumieria acuta