Genus Nessorhamphus

Nessorhamphus Schmidt, 1930

Diagnosis: body elongate, scaleless, compressed in caudal region; anus behind midpoint of body. Snout very long, flattened, spatulate, projecting far beyond narrow lower jaw. Anterior nostril terminal, posterior nostril dorsolateral in the narrowest part of snout. Mouth reaching nearly to level of posterior eye margin, cardiform teeth on maxillae, dentaries and vomer; a patch of conical and stronger teeth on premaxillae; vomerine tooth patch separated from that of premaxillae. Gill openings small, latero-ventral. Dorsal and anal fins confluent with truncate caudal fin; dorsal fin origin close behind pectoral fin tips; pectoral fins well developed; pelvic fins absent. Lateral line 132 pores. Vertebrae: total 150-159; abdominal 98. Colour: Iarger specimens extensively black pigmented. Size: to 30 cm.

Habitat: epi- to bathypelagic, down to 1,800 m. Food: carnivorous (mainly crustaceans). Reproduction: early hydrological warm season.

Distribution: eastern North Atlantic. Elsewhere, very wide distribution temperate, tropical and subtropical regions of Atlantic, Indian a Pacific Oceans.

Species 2; in Clofnam area 1.

Species of this genus in the program:
Nessorhamphus ingolfianus