Genus Taenioconger

Taenioconger Herre, 1923

Body extremely elongate, scaleless; mouth oblique, rictus at level of anterior edge of eye; snout very short, lower jaw prominent; anterior nostril in a short tube jutting forward from the outer face of upper lip. Gill openings lateral. Dorsal and anal fins low, their finrays segmented; pectoral fins reduced, pelvic fins absent. Usually plain colour patterns.

See family for biology, etc.

Species: see note below; in Clofnam area 1.

Recent revisions: Bohlke (1957), Blache and Bauchot (1976—on a regional basis only).

Note. Considered as a member of Heteroconger Bleeker, 1868 by Castle (unpublished) .

Species of this genus in the program:
Taenioconger longissimus