Familia Balistidae


  • Bleeker, P. 1866a. Systema Balistidorum, Ostracionidorum Gymnodontidorum que revisum. Neder. Tijdschr. Dierk., 3: 8-19.
  • Moore, D. 1967b. Triggerfishes (Balistidae) of the Western North Atlantic. Bull. mar. Sci. Gulf Carrib., 17 (3): 689-722, 9 fig.
  • Winterbotton, R. 1974. The familial Phylogeny of the Tetraodontiformes (Acanthopterygii: Pisces) as evidenced by their comparative Myology. Smiths. Contrib. Zool, 155: 291 pp: 185 fig.