Familia Myctophidae


  • Badcock, J.; Merrett, N. R. 1976. Midwater fishes of the North Atlantic. 1. Vertical distribution and associated biology in 30°N, 23°W, with developmental notes on certain myctophids. Prog. oceanogr., 7: 3-58.
  • Clarke, T. A. 1973. Some aspects of the ecology of lanternfishes (Myctophidae) in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Fishery Bull. Fish. Wildl.Serv. U.S., 71(2): 401434,12 fig.
  • Facciolà, L. 1882c. Descrizione di una nuova specie di Scopelus del mar di Messina. Naturalista sicil., 1:193-198, 1 pl.
  • Gilbert, C. H. 1911. Notes on lantern fishes from southern seas, collected by J. T. Nichols in 1906. Bull. am. Mus. nat. Hist., 30 (2) :13-19, fig.
  • Hulley, P. A. 1981. Results of the research cruises of FRV Walter Herwig to South America. LVIII. Family Myctophidae (Osteichthyes, Myctophiformes). Arch. Fisch. Wiss., 31 (1): 1-300, 128 fig.
  • Lourie, A. 1969. Occurrence of two lantern fishes (Myctophidae) in the open sea off Mount Carmel (Israel). Israel J. Zool., 18: 379-380.
  • McGinnis, R. F. 1977. Evolution within pelagic ecosystems: aspects of the distribution and evolution of the family Myctophidae. In. G. Llano (ed.), Adaptations within Antarctic ecosystems, p. 547-557. Proc. 3rd SCAR Symp. Ant. Biol., 1974, 1252 p.
  • Mito, S. 1961. Pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters I. Clupeinae, Chaninae, Stomiatinae, Myctophidae, Anguillidae, Belonidae and Syngnathidae. Sci. Bull. Fac. Agri., Kyusku Univ., 18 (3): 285-310, 15 pl.
  • Mwer, H. G.; Ablstrom, E. H. 1970. Development of lantern fishes (family Myctophidae) in the California current. Part I. Species with narrow-eyed larvae. Buu. Los Angeles County Mus. Sci., (7): pp. 1-145, fig. 1-53.
  • Nafpaktitis, B. G. et al. 1977. Family Myctophidae. Mem. Sears Found. Mar. Res., 1 (7): pp. 13-265.
  • Okiyama, M. 1973. The larval taxonomy of the primitive myctophiform fishes. In: J. H. S. Blaxter (ed.), The early life history of fish, p. 609-621.
  • Okiyama, M. 1979. Morphology of juveniles and phyletic relationships among the Myctophiformes. Oceanography Science, 11 (2): 131-145.
  • Sarenas, A. M. 1954. A revision of the philippine Myctophidae. Philipp. J. Sci., 82: 375-427, 12 fig., 2 pl.
  • Wisner, R. I. 1974. Descriptions of five new species of myctophid fishes from the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. Occas. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. (110): pp. 1-37.