Genus Melanostigma


  • Günther, A. 1881. Account of the zoological collection made during the survey of H.M.S. 'Albert' in the Straits of Magellan. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond.: 141 pp., 11 pl.
  • Parin, N. V. 1979. Melanostigma (Bandichthys) vitiazi, new deep-sea fish (Melanostigmatidae, Osteichthyes) from the Banda Sea. Vopr. ikhtiol., 19, 1 (114): pp. 167-170, 2 fig. (in Russian).
  • Yarberry, E. L. 1965. Osteology of the zoarcid fish Melanostigma pammelas. Copeia, (4): pp. 442-462, 9 fig.