Genus Monomitopus


  • Alcock, A. W. 1889. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer 'Investigator', Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R.N., commanding. No. 13. On the bathybial fishes of the bay of Bengal and neighbouring waters, obtained during the seasons 1885-.
  • Alcock, A. W. 1890b. Natural history notes from H.M. Indian marine survey steamer 'Investigator', Commander R. F. Hoskyn, R.N., commanding. No. 18. On the bathybia fishes of the Arabian Sea, obtained during the season 1889-1890. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., (6) 6 (34): 295-311.
  • Goode, G. B.; Bean, T. H. 1896. Oceanic ichthyology, a treatise on the deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world, based chiefly upon the collections made by steamers Blake, Albatross and Fish Hawk in the northwestern Atlantic. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 30 and Spec. Bull U.S. natn. Mus., 1895 [.